Giving Back

Costero was born in beautiful La Herradura, Andalucia, Spain. It's one of the many places across the Mediterranean region where we work and spend our down time relaxing with friends. With such wonderful people and a strong community spirit, it is our social responsibility to give something back.


As many of you know, we are passionate about the communities where we work, live and play, So its natural we would like to help support these areas for future generations to continue to evolve, grow and enjoy these wonderful places.

  • Supported interests:

    • Arts and culture, design and architecture, Marine Conservation

  • Support options:

    • Scholarship, Grant, local business partnership and sponsorship.

If you would like to know more about what we support and in which other locations, how you get our help or what we do within the local community, please feel free to contact us or submit an application below.

We look forward to hearing about your ideas.

Nicole and Shaun.